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Creators/Authors contains: "Herberstein, ed., Marie"

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  1. Abstract

    Animals often communicate in complex, heterogeneous environments, leading to hypothesized selection for increased detectability or discriminability in signaling traits. The extent to which secondary sexual ornaments have evolved to overcome the challenges of signaling in complex environments, however, remains understudied, especially in comparison to their role as indicator traits. This study tested the hypothesis that the condition-dependent secondary sexual ornamentation in the wolf spider Rabidosa rabida functions to increase detectability/discriminability in visually complex environments. We predicted that male ornamentation would interact with the complexity of the signaling environment to affect male mating success. In particular, we expected ornaments to confer a greater mating advantage when males courted in visually complex environments. To test this, we artificially manipulated male foreleg ornamentation (present/absent) and ran repeated-measures mating trials across laboratory microcosms that represented simple versus complex visual signaling environments. Microcosm visual complexity differed in their background pattern, grass stem color, and grass stem placement. We found that ornamented males mated more often and more quickly than unornamented males across both environments, but we found no support for an ornament-by-environment interaction. Male courtship rate, however, did interact with the signaling environment. Despite achieving the same level of mating success across signaling environments, ornamented males courted less rapidly in complex versus simple environments, although environmental complexity had no influence on unornamented male courtship rates. Our results suggest that the visual complexity of the signaling environment influences the interactive influence of ornamentation and dynamic visual courtship on female mate choice.

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  2. Abstract

    Animals communicate using a diversity of signals produced by a wide array of physical structures. Determining how a signal is produced provides key insights into signal evolution. Here, we examine a complex vibratory mating display produced by maleSchizocosa floridanawolf spiders. This display contains three discrete substrate‐borne acoustic components (known as “thumps”, “taps”, and “chirps”), each of which is anecdotally associated with the movement of a different body part (the pedipalps, legs, and abdomen respectively). In order to determine the method of production, we employ a combination of high‐speed video/audio recordings and SEM imaging of possible sound‐producing structures. Previous work has suggested that the “chirp” component is tonal, a signal trait that would be potentially unique in the genus. We measured signal tonality for all courtship components, as well as for courtship components from sixteen otherSchizocosawolf spiders. Our results suggest thatS. floridanaproduces courtship song using a combination of shared (palpal stridulation and foreleg percussion) and novel (abdominal movement) sound production mechanisms. Of particular interest, the “chirp”, which is produced using a novel abdominal production mechanism, is the only known tonal signal with acoustic properties that are unique within the genus. We argue that the potential evolution of a novel sound production mechanism has opened up a new axis of signaling trait space in this species, with important implications for how this signal is likely to function and evolve.

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  3. Abstract

    How genetic variation is maintained in ecologically important traits is a central question in evolutionary biology. Male Trinidadian guppies, Poecilia reticulata, exhibit high genetic diversity in color patterns within populations, and field and laboratory studies implicate negative frequency-dependent selection in maintaining this variation. However, behavioral and ecological processes that mediate this selection in natural populations are poorly understood. We evaluated female mate preference in 11 natural guppy populations, including paired populations from high- and low-predation habitats, to determine if this behavior is responsible for negative frequency-dependent selection and to evaluate its prevalence in nature. Females directed significantly more attention to males with rare and unfamiliar color patterns than to males with common patterns. Female attention also increased with the area of male orange coloration, but this preference was independent of the preference for rare and unfamiliar patterns. We also found an overall effect of predation regime; females from high-predation populations directed more attention toward males than those from low-predation populations. Again, however, the habitat-linked preference was statistically independent from the preference for rare and unfamiliar patterns. Because previous research indicates that female attention to males predicts male mating success, we conclude that the prevalence of female preference for males with rare and unfamiliar color patterns across many natural populations supports the hypothesis that female preference is an important process underlying the maintenance of high genetic variation in guppy color patterns.

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